Friday, October 30, 2009

Spooky Story Contest: 2/3 Winner

Congratulations to our winners! All levels, Kindergarten through 8th grade, were given the same challenge to write a Spooky Story! The following is from our 2/3 class:

by Cody Lewis

One day in ancient Egypt their was two men. The men’s names were Jim and Ryan. They were walking in the middle of the dessert. They saw a pyramid in the distance. They went inside and the door shut and locked on them. Ryan said, “This is scary. I think there is another exit.” “Maybe, “ said Jim. They walked and walked until they heard foot steps. It sounded like they were coming towred them. Then out of the corner of his eye Jim saw a white figure swoosh past them. “Queen Cleapatchra” said Jim. But it was probably my mind playing tricks on me. Then they found a door that lead into a tomb. “Wow” said Ryan. The chamber was filled with treasure. Then Jim took some treasure and put it in his pocket. Later Jim saw the figure again. “Run!” said Jim. “Which way is out?” said Ryan. They were lost in a false passage! “This way” they said. They both pointed in different directions. They ran until they saw a light. “Give me back my treasure” said a voice. It was Cleapatchra! Her eyes were glowing yellow. “Give me back my treasure!” She wanted the treasure Jim took. They got out side in the sunlight and cleapachra faded away. “That was scary” said Ryan. They walked to the helicopter. Ryan drove them home.

The end.

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