Thursday, March 31, 2011

Start your Spring Cleaning!! YARD SALE SCHEDULED!

Start your Spring Cleaning!!

Option1- Send in donations for us to sell to raise money for CCCS. Donations can be dropped off during school hours (8:00-3:00) at Heyward Hall. If these hours do not work for you, please call Kate Tayloe at 331-1616 for other arrangements.

If you have large items that need to be picked up, call Angie Pfeiffer at 331-0828. She and her truck will be available April 28th and 29th to pick up your unwanted treasures! Clean out that house!

Option 2- Tables are available for those of you who would like to sell your own items. The cost for each table is $10.00 if you sign up before April 29th, and $15.00 the day of the sale.

There will also be delicious baked goods for sale. If you would like to donate baked goods, please call Kate Tayloe at 331-1616

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