Wednesday, May 27, 2009

CCCS excited to announce new staff!

Thanks! to the almost 50 people who attended the public information meeting about the progress of Cape Charles Christian School. It was an encouraging Question and Answer session and we'll continue to update you regularly.

Our Big News, for those of you not able to attend:
(drum roll, please)
We've hired our FIRST* 6 faculty & staff!
Gwyn Coghill will be our Principal next year, focusing on Pre K through 5th.
Andrea Price will be both Principal and Teacher for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
Carrie Cabello will enliven our PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st graders.
Leslie Savage will encourage our 2nd and 3rd graders.
Kate Tayloe will inspire our 4th and 5th graders.
Victor Abrahamian will motivate everyone as a general teacher's aide.

The experience, energy, and ideas represented within this group will provide an outstanding spring board for our school.

*NOTE: We intend to teach in "clusters" rather than classes. This staffing level is in line with current enrollment, but WILL GROW as we add students this spring and summer. We anticipate class size to be 8-10 students per teacher.

CALL or EMAIL for additional information on Admissions.
(757) 331-1717

Reminder: Meeting TONIGHT! (Wed, May 27 @ 7:00)

Please join us this evening!

We have exciting news to share at this evening's Informational Meeting.

All parents, teachers, or members of the community interested in the development of this exciting new option for kids in Northampton County are welcome to attend our Informational Meeting.

We will have a short presentation followed by a question and answer session.

When: TODAY May 27th at 7pm
Where: Cape Charles Baptist Church (@Randolph and Plum Streets)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Informational Meeting to be held on May 27th @7pm

The next meeting for parents, teachers, or members of the community to hear about the progress of our community's newest school will be held on May 27th at 7pm at the Cape Charles Baptist Church. We will have a short presentation on the school and plans for the Fall followed by a question and answer session.

Please help us by forwarding this notification to anyone you may know with an interest in this project.

Now Hiring!

Certified TEACHERS interested in working with the Cape Charles Christian School should submit a letter of interest and resume to the school address.

Cape Charles Christian School
23 Park Row
Cape Charles, VA 23310

Please call or email with questions! 757-331-1717 or

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fundraising Meeting Thursday 5/7 @ noon

If you are interested in helping the Fundraising committee, please contact Linda Buskey at 678-6844 and join the group for their next planning session at noon on Thursday 5/7.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

CCCS Contact Information

Feel free to contact us with any question, comment, or idea:

Cape Charles Christian School
23 Park Row
Cape Charles, VA 23310
(757) 331-1717

Interested in supporting our efforts?

Application for Admissions

We are currently accepting Applications for the 2009/2010 school year. Paper copies are available at Rayfield's Pharmacy.

Annapolis trip deemed a success

As you may know, a small group from the organizing committee visited the Annapolis Area Christian School yesterday. We are considering AACS a "mentor" as we further develop the model and tenets of our new school.

AACS was extremely welcoming and encouraging. Their three schools (lower, middle, upper) are wonderful, mature learning environments full of very happy children.

We collected invaluable information on policy, curriculum, staffing, admissions and many other topics that will help tremendously in the next few months.

Welcome! Let's get started...

“Yes, Virginia, there is…” going to be a new school in Cape Charles in September 2009!

Thank you to all who have expressed interest and attended meetings so far in our efforts to form a new school, The Cape Charles Christian School. We’ll need your continued support and effort in the coming months as this becomes a reality.

First things first… we need to spread the word! Please forward this announcement to anyone you know who might like to become involved, attend, or donate. Encourage everyone to ask questions. We’d like to be as factual and informative as possible, and as such, we’ll be sending out a series of email updates and web site announcements to keep you all up to date on what’s going on with this exciting development for our town.


How does such a thing come about? A small group of parents in Cape Charles set about exploring the possibilities of an alternative education option for lower Northampton County. After considering and rejecting the charter school model, they’ve focused on building a Christian school that will initially serve Pre K through 8th grades, with plans to expand to 9th through 12th, one grade per year in future years.

Our Mission

We are a group of parents, teachers, and members of the community who have come together with a common interest.

Our vision is to create an alternative education option for lower No rthampton County. This new school will provide an encouraging, supportive, creative environment for our children with an integrated Christian perspective. We will begin the first year of classes at Cape Charles Christian School in the Fall of 2009.

In addition, we recognize the revitalizing effect a school can have on its surrounding community and intend to rebuild what was once an important presence in Cape Charles by renovating the former Cape Charles High School.

Please join us in this exciting opportunity.

What's Next?

#1 We are currently accepting Applications for Admissions. Download it on our website or pick one up at Rayfield's Pharmacy

#2 We are working on a more complete list of Facts and Answers... please email your questions about the curriculum, the school, the plans and anything else to or call 331-1717 and leave voicemail. Additional information will be sent out via email, web, facebook, and carrier pigeon, really-- in any form that makes sense.

#3 We are actively raising the necessary funds! If you'd like to support our efforts, our community, and our school then send a check made out to Cape Charles Christian School to PO Box 341, Cape Charles VA 23310 OR contact us at
donate@capecharl We welcome any volunteers and fundraising ideas!

Cape Charles Christian School